Student Services
The Student Services office is a space where Hapnot and Many Faces students can find support and advice on a wide range of issues. Come to the Student Services office to make an appointment today.
Academic Support & Planning
Ms. Link, Hapnot Guidance Counselor, can offer academic advice and resources, and talk to you about your timetable; attendance; grades; academic support; time management; and program options.
Support for Personal Issues
If you are looking for someone to talk to about a personal or personal wellness issue, talk to one of our Student Services staff. Here are some of the issues that we can provide support on:
Mental Wellness (Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Grief, Suicidal thought, Self-harm);
Addiction (Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling, Gaming);
Abuse (Bullying, Emotional, Physical, Sexual, Harassment);
Relationships (Parents, Dating, Teachers, Family, Sexual Health);
Self (Body image, Esteem, Sexual health, Diversity, LGTBQ).
Links & hotlines for students
Looking for more information, or someone outside of school to talk to? You can call these hotlines, or check out the links below.
Women’s Resource Center 204-681-3105
Primary Health Care Center 204-687-1350
Child and Family Services 204-687-1700 ( after hours: 204-933-2172)
AFM 204-472-3431 ext. 7429
Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868 (24 hrs)
Klinic crisis Line 1-888-322-3019 ( 24 hour)
Manitoba Suicide Line 1-877-435-7170 ( 24 hours)
Sexual Assault Line Crisis Line 1-888-292-7576 ( 24 hours)
LGBTTQ info line 1-888-399-0005
Health Links 1-888-399-0005
First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line 1-855-242-3310
BroTalk on Kids Help Phone: BroTalk is a free, confidential and anonymous service that provides counselling and information to help teen guys (and those who identify as guys) tackle their challenges and stresses, big or small.
Addictions Foundation of Manitoba: AFM is committed to being a foundation of excellence in providing addictions services and supporting healthy behaviours.
BroTalk on Kids Help Phone: BroTalk is a free, confidential and anonymous service that provides counselling and information to help teen guys (and those who identify as guys) tackle their challenges and stresses, big or small.
CMHA: Resources on mental health for high school students.
Drugs, Not 4 Me: Information on drug use and abuse, how to get help, etc.
Honouring Life: Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Resources.
Just for You, Youth: Resource list for youth.
Kids Help Phone: Ask questions and get advice on bullying, dating, sexual orientation, depression, etc.
Make Connections: Addiction -related services province-wide. Excellent info for students and parents about cyberbullying and strategies to deal with relationships, online and otherwise.
Rainbow Resource Centre: Support for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered individuals in Manitoba.
Reason to Live: The Manitoba Suicide Line
Safe Youth: The Center for Safe Youth provides teen transport services and help to find missing teens and runaways. They are on-call 24 hours a day. Information to explain stress and help you to manage it.
Teen Talk: Access peer support on a wide range of issues.
How to reach a counsellor
Amanda Link, Guidance Counsellor 204-687-9702
Availability: Room 214, Student Services, Available during school hours and by appointment.
Vanessa Campbell, Family Liaison Worker 204 -687-9709
Availability: Room 214, Student Services, Available during all school hours and by appointment
Darcie Hotel, Mental Health Worker (On Leave)
204-687-9700 or